Getting Started
Recipes are data models and dashboards for different database schemas. If you're using any solution that we support to collect data into your database, you can install the recipe and use the dashboards & data models in order to analyze the data. You can install the recipes inside the Develop
page as follows:

Develop Page
When you click the install button, the recipe may need you to enter the variables that are being used to build the models. When you enter the variables, they're passed as an argument to recipes so that they can dynamically build up the models.
Upgrading Recipes
If there is a new version of the recipe available in the marketplace, you will see an Upgrade
button, you can click it and upgrade the recipe to the new version. Please note that the dashboards and reports created in the UI will automatically be referencing the models created by the new version of the recipe. Recipes are backward-compatible unless they explicitly indicate the other way around.
Creating your own recipe
Recipes are dbt projects stored on our Github organization rakam-recipes
. We compile them using the variables provided in the UI and install them in your project. The customizations allow you to install the recipes on your data and get access to our data models on your data. If you want to customize the models, you can basically fork the repo or send a pull request to the main repository. Once the PR is merged, your recipe will be automatically visible to all users of Rakam.
We provide a set of recipes for common use-cases and solutions but you can also model your data by creating a recipe in Rakam. Simply click the Create recipe from scratch
button on the Develop
page, give it a unique name Rakam will open up our IDE automatically. You can learn how to create recipes using our IDE fromhere ].
If you want to publish your recipe on Rakam for other users to be able to install them, create an issue on rakam-recipes/README repository and share your dbt project so that we can fork it and make it available under rakam-recipes organization.
Updated almost 4 years ago