Supported Warehouses
We support the following databases at the moment:
Database | Version Added | Slug |
Postgresql | 0.1-beta | postgresql |
Presto | 0.2-beta | presto |
Redshift | 0.2-beta | redshift |
Snowflake | 0.3-beta | snowflake |
BigQuery | 0.6-beta | bigQuery |
Mysql | 0.7-beta | mysql |
SQL Server | 1.0 | mssqlServer |
Azure Server | 1.2 | azureServer |
Feel free to reach out to us using the Intercom and suggest new databases. Please note that we're not limited to SQL and have future plans for full-text search engines such as Elasticsearch, APIs such as Google Spreadsheet and Shopify.
Updated almost 5 years ago